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Describes the structure of larch canopy at microcommunity, in terms of direct contact of its elements.
When adjacent growth in the individuals must make the most of the genetic range of species based on morphological features (linear dimensions, architectonics crowns and so on.) a nd environmental properties, particularly with respect to the light, which is confirmed by our results.
The analysis was performed on compact biogroups of 10 trees, taken as models in serried larch of Khabarovsk and the Magadan region.
In general, the ratio of height and crown indexes presented four options: a) The leader of height with a short crown b) the same with an extended crown; c) are stunted with short crown, d) the same with a long crown. Light-loving individuals can not have too long a crown, and or, if they are allowed to circumstances and genetic potential, occupy a leading position (a) or become candidates for decease ( с ).
Shadow-resistant trees with relatively long crown when fully trustworthy as neighbors forestall growth (b) and lagging from these ( d ). In some biogroups trees with heights less than the average, were on average older leaders, ie differentiation of trees in the process of ruling on cenogenesis, indifferent and depressed when the latter is almost doomed to extinction - does not look clear and unconditional.
Individual environmental differences may have some economic value as a basis for selection, if confirmed version, which is more light-loving plants, not only can achieve greater heights, but do it quickly, ie wood give more precocious.
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